theKingdomHealer’s diary

Uranus and the revolutionary future

Uranus and the revolutionary future In Greek language, “Ουρανός” (Ouranos) is the word meaning “Sky”; and just like his Greek name, the planet Uranus has always been closely associated with the God of Sky in Greek mythology. As the primal …

Saturn’s life lesson and its endless connection with us

Until the end of the 18th century, Saturn was known as the most remote planet in our solar system. As far as 800 million miles away, it was considered as the star orbiting on the edge of the universe. In 1610 by astronomer Galileo Galilei,…

What is Neptune in Astrology and its transit in 2020

Neptune Transit 2020~What it means to us? For thousands of years, astrologers and astronomers believed that Saturn was orbiting on the edge the universe, since it was the furthest planet that is visible to the naked eye. Traditional Astrol…

2020 Feburary/March Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde In ancient mythology, the powers of language, logical thinking and communication are personified by an intelligent, quicksilver deity, who taught human beings how to read, write, navigate and calculate. This mysterious R…

26th December 2019 Solar Eclipse in Capricorn~the magical new beginning in you

solar eclipse De 2019 Throughout history, eclipses have been considered as very powerful phenomena. In the old days, religious and other traditional ceremonies were organised in accordance with the stars, and kings regularly consulted thei…

Libra, Aquarius, Gemini: the Air cycle of the celestial energy

Carl Gustav Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology in the 19th Century. He postulated four types of psychological types, named Thinking, Feeling, Sensation and Intuition. This type of categorisati…

Cancer, Scorpio Pisces: the WATER cycle of the celestial energy

The water signs are the source of the most primitive and fundamental qualities in the human society. Cancer—the initiator of our emotional world, followed by Scorpio, the one delves into the deep water to discover truths, and pisces, which…

The twelve zodiac signs and what they mean in Astrology?

Solar sign(Sun sign) and what it means in Astrology? In the 5000 years that have passed since the study of astrology was first recorded, the 12 signs of the zodiac have acquired special associations, characterisations and meaning. Ancient …

What is Astrology and How does it help us?

Astrology and how it helps us The universe, or in particular from human's eyes, the night sky was completely unknown in the old days. So people projected their fantasies into it---this is somehow the origin of Astrology. So in a way, Astro…

A grand entry into 2020 with Jupiter into Capricorn

Jupiter in Capricorn ~2020~ Hello everyone! This is the Letao the Kingdom Healer! Welcome to my Astrology blog! Just another two weeks and we will be entering 2020. Looking back, 2019 has been a challenging year for many people, especially…