theKingdomHealer’s diary

Uranus and the revolutionary future


Uranus and the revolutionary future

 In Greek language, “Ουρανός” (Ouranos) is the word meaning “Sky”; and just like his Greek name, the planet Uranus has always been closely associated with the God of Sky in Greek mythology. As the primal Greek god personifying the sky, he is the parent of the first generation of Titans, and the ancestor of most Greek gods. He himself is symbol of the beginning of our cosmos and the creation of universe.

Since Uranus itself is related to creation and beginning, there is a strong correlation between Uranus and human’s creative mind. After all, Uranus is an ancient and perfect portray of the divine mind that conceived the idea of a universe before the universe existed. To bring a brand new and genius idea to the world, revolutionary thinking without any type of restriction and limitation is required. In 1781, when astronomer William Herschel discovered this strangely axial tilted planet, it shocked the entire astrological worldview that prevailed for 2000 years. First of all, Saturn was considered to be the planet furthest away from the Sun. It was the symbol of boundary and limitation. The discovery of Uranus broke the boundary that Saturn has set for human and brought new horizons to the astronomical field, followed by Neptune and Pluto in the later years; secondly, the old-fashioned astrological teaching believed that the Sun and Moon ruled Cancer and Leo, and while the other five plants rules 2 signs each around the zodiac wheel in a perfect fashion. Uranus’s discovery completely overturned the established theory and threw the traditional order into wild chaos. You see what Uranus does with our world, it is rebellious, revolutionary and unpredictable.

Interestingly, various important historical happenings took place around the time Uranus was discovered. Industrial revolution swept across Europe between 1760 and 1820; American revolution was in full momentum, and French revolution broke out soon after; meanwhile in Asia, as the the first British diplomatic mission to China, Macartney Mission opened the first chapter of western involvement with the Qing government in 1792. This is what Uranus does to the World. In astrology, it symbolises “openness, liberty and revolutionary change”. It is the necessary chaos to force the situation to change for the better. 


Prometheus being punished for stealing fire for human

Titan Prometheus, another archetype of Uranus, describes not only the “invention”,but also the “sacrifice” very well for us. In mythology, he stole fire from Zeus in order to bring civilisation to mortals, and later was punished severely by the Olympians. His act was unique and unbelievable, and it brought wrath and chaos to the tradition and social norm. Prometheus suffered from his act, However for mortals, he brought forever enlightenment that society needs for development.

Like Prometheus, for many people Uranus energy is not necessarily pleasant, or even a bit “suffering” because it is not predictable, and it is hard to embrace such chaos without an open mind and an attitude of “go with the flow”, especially when we try to control everything around. I remember a client who had a Uranus transit through her 6th house (work and operation) and her 4th house(home and family) ruler. She received a very sudden job offer that requested her to move overseas. It was a great offer because she knew this job could take her to a totally different level in her career and she would benefit from the experience so much; however at the same time she was also a bit scared since she has never lived overseas before and she was not prepared to make such a big move so soon. This is how Uranus works in our life. It takes us onto the giant spaceship and pushes us into the vast night sky. The experience could be frightening because we don’t know what is out there in the universe, and there is nothing to hold on to. However when we can realise our control and go with the journey, we will get to see the Sun, the Moon as well as the shining milky way. It gives us a whole new perspective about life. Just like the industrial revolution, it will mark a major and positive turning point in the history of our lives.

In modern astrology, Uranus rules Aquarius, the sign of the unexpected, the unusual and the unconventional. The house of which the cusp is on Aquarius or the house has Uranus located in is the area in our life where we are a rebel and seek for freedom and independence. In 2020, Uranus will be transiting 2° to 10° in Taurus. This is a very innovative and self-expressive period of time for many Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo sun sign people, and it also brings a lot of sudden changes and opportunities. This is a time of “finding yourself”, when you begin to feel boredom with your current life routine. There is a strong urge to express yourself in unique and unconventional ways. You will feel more open to what is new and exciting, and thus encounter opportunities that appear to come out of the blue. Some people you meet during this transit will lead you into an undiscovered territory to broaden your horizons. Meanwhile, especially for Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio people in 2020, since Uranus transit will form a square and opposition with their Sun, try to reconsider a bit more instead of making hasty decisions during this time. The crave for new experiences and inner restless might push you to radical changes too fast. Differentiating rebelling and reacting from truly being yourself is essential. 

Birthday 24th~31st







Zodiac sign







Aspect to Sun











Opposition (180°)

Uranus' changes and tremors are not necessarily good or evil, it all depends on how we react to them. Do we see them are enemies, or do we take them as opportunities to breakthrough? A trip out of the blue could take us to a new horizon to connect us to new people and new love, would you resist simply because you didn’t have much time to pack your bag? Trust this rebellious celestial power, it brings so much exciting creation and unconventional ideas into our lives.


Letao~the Kingdom Healer
